Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Making Fortune Cookie Pendants

A little while back I tried making some Fortune Cookie shaped pendants and they turned out fairly well, so when I decided to make more, I took pics that I could share.  My pictures are usually notoriously bad, but this will give you an idea.

The first step is getting the clay ready, rolled out and cut into shapes.  After they are cut out, I just use my fingers and pinch them thinner in the center and around the edges.

Second step is to fold it around a straw or whatever you want to use to begin the shape.  

I gently moisten just the front outside edge and pinch the ends together.

Again, very gently so I don't ruin the shape, I slip it off the straw and begin to bend it in the opposite direction.

Again, very carefully, I then use a straw to add the holes to the ends.

Then, they are allowed to dry, I wet sand them, glaze and fire.  Here is the end result:

Hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial.  Let me know if you give them a try!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Reveal

Here is my lovely soup mix from Jan Petek.  I'm stewing!  I've never worked with enameled beads or have had very many handmade glass beads before.  I'm very excited and hope I can do them justice.

2-21-13, Just finished my soup.  I even think there is a nice surprise in there!  I like it!
2-24-13, Just finished my soup--again.  Changed it up and like it much better!

I know I have beads coming and I know that Jan got the ones I sent her.  So here is the batch I sent...she told me she likes them and thinks they are pretty.  That is always a relief to me!  I made the turquoise colored pieces and added the white moonstone-ish glass beads.  I love that color!  The red stones are marbled with white and I've forgotten what they were and I love the wood beads.  I really like the shape and feel of the wood beads.  The clasp has a soft swirly feel of the focal.

Please check out our Bead Soup that Lori McDaniel Anderson has put on again.  Last I heard there were over 500 people entered and I am in the first reveal.  So exciting!

There is a button to the right that explains it better than I can!

Thanks for stopping by and take care...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bead Soup...

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do all those wonderful large pixel pictures, so this is my tease.  I put the camera right down on the pieces and snapped a pic.

Thanks to Lori McDaniel Anderson another Bead Soup is on and, man, I suck at making a good first impression!  I got an "e" and an "a" mixed up--and totally messed up!  But, I emailed my Bead Soup partner who is Jan Petek when I found her at at Pepper Tree Designs.  Jan has been doing glass beads and jewelry for 15 years.

If you want to know more about what a 500 participant Bead Soup extravaganza is, check out the Bead Soup Blog Party button to the right...Thank you Lori for taking this on is so much fun!